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Privacy Policy

Vulcabras is the biggest sports brand in Brazil and, since 1975, has been building a long relationship with Brazilian sport, through solid and lasting actions. The brand believes in and invests in sports, seeking innovation and high performance, through its Development and Technology Center. Today it is present throughout South America and in more than 12 thousand points of sale in Brazil.

Vulcabras appreciates your interest in our products and services and your visit to this Website. Your privacy is of great importance and that is why we aim to ensure that you feel comfortable during your visit to our website.

Thus, this Privacy Policy is intended to regulate access to the content of the websites and (“Website”), through users (“User” or “You”), through digital service, developed and offered by Vulcabras, and was prepared to reaffirm our commitment to privacy and security related to interactive services and information collected and stored in accordance with the provisions set out in the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (GDPL).

Published in August 2018, the General Personal Data Protection Law (GDPL) was created to guarantee the personal data protection to the citizens of Brazil and its application is to protect the data that companies have on individuals like you (data holder). In general, the law regulates the collection, classification, use, access, sharing, storage, elimination, and other forms of processing personal data from individuals.

Considering the importance of this law and the impacts it will cause, it is important to understand the rights and obligations it provides, which is why we have prepared this content to teach you and clarify basic key words and terms related to the General Personal Data Protection Law and the meaning of each of them:




Data processing: any operation performed with personal data, such as those relating to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of the information, change, communication, transfer, broadcast or extraction;

Registration: the way in which the User provides their data to enable access to the services offered by Vulcabras.

Personal data: is any information related to an identified or identifiable person. Identity Card (RG), Individual Taxpayers’ Registry (CPF), address, date of birth are some examples of personal data, but information such as consumption habits, geographic location, behavioral profile, preferences, purchase histories and other similar information, when related to an identified or identifiable individual, are considered “personal data”. Likewise, information about Internet browsing, such as IP address and cookies, among others, are generally considered personal data whenever it is possible to identify the person related to these identifiers;

Sensitive personal data: personal data that have a potential for harm, exposure and discrimination against the person to whom it refers, being specifically protected by the data protection law;

Anonymized data: data related to the holder that cannot be identified, considering the use of reasonable technical means available at the time of its treatment;

Legal basis: legal basis that makes the processing of personal data legitimate for a given purpose;

Consent: unequivocal authorization given by the holder of the personal data for us to process their personal data for a previously described purpose, in which the legal basis necessary for the act requires the express authorization of the holder. For the case of processing sensitive data, the consent must also be specific and informed;

Data controller: the person who has the power to decide on the personal data that will be processed;

Data operator: the one who executes the orders of the data controller;

Holder: is the person to whom personal data refers, identifying it or making it identifiable.

Now that you are familiar with some technical terms, let’s pursue the objective of this text, recording that we are enthusiastic about transparency in dealing with Users of our Website and therefore, in addition to giving effect to our legal obligation, we started to record here how we deal with the privacy and protection of personal data of any citizen, as well as the rules for using the Website




This Privacy Policy applies to all Users of the Website and is available for reading at any time on the Website’s electronic platform. You must carefully and completely read the contents of this Policy and, if you agree with the provisions, must express your free, full, informed and unambiguous consent with respect to its contents. This acceptance will be done by clicking on the button “I have read and accept the Privacy Policy”, on the User’s first access to the Website ( and if you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not continue using the Website, and please contact us explaining the reason for your disagreement so that we can improve our processes and offer you an optimized experience in the future. Write to us via email: PRIVACIDADE@VULCABRAS.COM

If necessary, you can request the revision and correction of your data free of charge and at any time. To do this, just get in touch via email PRIVACIDADE@VULCABRAS.COM

It is important to note that this Privacy Policy for the use of this Website will not apply to your activities on third-party Websites, social networks and/or other providers that you may access or be redirected from by accessing links on our Website. In order to ensure your security, we recommend that you check the data protection regulations and guidelines of the respective providers/websites accessed.




2.1. Data will be collected under the following scenarios:


  • When submitted by the User at the time of registration or in any circumstance related to the use of the Website’s functionalities;
  • Automated through cookies and similar technologies.


2.2. 2.2 Data collected may include, but is not limited to:

(i) Name;

(ii) Telephone number;

(iii) Email;

(iv) Resume and educational or professional information;

(v) Area and place of interest to work for our company; and

(vi) Cookies and other navigation data: within the scope of the Website, Vulcabras may use electronic instructions, known as cookies (“cookies”), which will be sent to the browser and stored on your computer’s disk. The purpose of cookies is to verify who the Users of the Website are, to eventually facilitate their navigation with the characteristics, preferences and quality of the information provided by their registered users. This data is used to make sure we are sending you the information you want to receive and read.

You can manage cookie settings in your browser settings at any time. By disabling all cookies in your browser settings, it is possible that certain sections or features of the Website may not work or cause too much delay to load the contents, as your browser may prevent us from setting necessary cookies. It is also possible that you will need to enter your login and password multiple times when enabling this option.

2.3 The User is solely responsible for the veracity and updating of the data provided, and Vulcabras is not responsible for the veracity of the data provided, as well as for any damages resulting from the inaccuracy and/or outdated information.

2.3.1 If Vulcabras decides to check the veracity of the recorded registration data, and finds the existence of incorrect, untrue and/or outdated data, or even if you do not provide or refuse to inform the required data, Vulcabras may temporarily or permanently suspend, at its discretion, access to the Website, without prejudice to other measures deemed necessary and opportune.

2.4 The User must keep their login and password secure. In case of suspicion of access data theft, the User must notify Vulcabras in addition to immediately changing the password for accessing the Website .


  1. DATA USE:


3.1 The purpose of data processing consists of, but is not limited to:

(i) Commercial contact with the User after his/her registration in the “Mailing”;

(ii) For the selection process of those interested in vacancies in our companies through the “Work with us” section;

(iii) Sending of Vulcabras news and updates;

(iv) Service and experience improvements;

(v) Fraud prevention;

(vi) Investigation by competent authorities;

(vii) Fulfillment of the obligation to provide data by court order or competent authority;

(viii) Data mapping and reporting for market research purposes;

(ix) Sending emails related to the use of the Website , as well as the availability of new services;

(x) Submitted evaluations and responses;

(xi) For sharing with other Vulcabras affiliated or associated companies;

(xii) Manage, credit points, grant discounts, bonuses and other advantages of any relationship programs.




4.1 Vulcabras may share some of your information with partner companies and/or companies from the same economic group in order for you to continue enjoying the best services and experience.

4.1.1 we may share data with third parties in order to be able to facilitate your access to the Website’s tools, facilitate offers and services or companies from the same economic group; data mapping and reporting for market research purposes; among others. Certain information may also be shared for the purpose of complying with legal obligations.

4.2 we may use your data including personal data for internal operations, such as managing your account, communication between Vulcabras and the User, understanding Users’ needs, improving the content and services of the Website, identifying possible fraud and taking steps to enforce our Privacy Policy.

4.3 Vulcabras will require that partner companies and/or service providers observe the same standards of privacy and information security followed by it.

4.4 Data sharing may eventually be done with entities located outside Brazil.

4.5 Access to the information collected, under the terms of this instrument, may only be accessed by professionals duly authorized by Vulcabras, respecting the principles established by law, with a guarantee of confidentiality and preservation of privacy, and exclusively for the performance of their functions.




5.1 All data provided or collected are considered confidential, requiring this company to adopt all technical, administrative and organizational measures capable of protecting personal data, also aiming to preserve the security of its systems in the custody of such data, including compliance with the security standards guidelines set out in data protection standards and guidelines. However, Vulcabras is not responsible for possible damages caused by external events such as failures, viruses and invasions of the database, applications and services provided, except in cases of willful misconduct or fault.

5.2. The collected data may be stored on its own server or on a third party. These can be allocated in Brazil or abroad, including by cloud computing technology. Vulcabras will ensure that third parties that store the collected data have security and control standards in accordance with applicable legislation.




6.1 Users have rights regarding their personal data, including:

(i) Confirmation of the existence of personal data processing. Upon the User’s request by contacting us, Vulcabras will grant confirmation of the existence of personal data processing, in accordance with the applicable legislation;

(ii)  Access to personal data. The User can request access to their personal data collected and stored by Vulcabras, by contacting us;

(iii) Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data. The User may, at any time, change and edit their personal data, by contacting us;

(iv) Information on shared use of data. Information on the sharing of personal data can be found in this Privacy Policy. Vulcabras is at the User’s disposal in the event of further clarification;

(v) Deletion of personal data. The User may request the deletion of personal data that have been collected by Vulcabrás with the User’s consent, at any time, by means of a free and facilitated manifestation, through our contact channels. The deletion of personal data can only be complete for personal data that are not necessary for Vulcabrás to comply with legal and contractual obligations, to protect its legitimate interest and in other cases legally accepted.

(vi) Revocation of consent. The User may revoke the consent given to Vulcabras for the processing of their personal data for certain purposes, at any time, by means of a free and facilitated statement, through our contact channels. It is important to inform that the handling carried out prior to the revocation of consent are ratified and that the request for revocation will not imply the deletion of personal data previously processed and maintained by Vulcabras based on other legal grounds.


6.2. Vulcabras may store the User’s data record history for auditing and rights preservation purposes.

6.3. Vulcabras may keep anonymized data for statistical and study purposes even after the User’s request for exclusion of their personal data and the legal term of custody has expired.




7.1. Personal data will only be stored for as long as is reasonably necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected, including to meet any legal, regulatory, tax and accounting requirements, among others.

7.2. We may retain personal data for a longer period in the event of a claim or if we reasonably believe that there is a prospect of litigation or the need to support evidence for possible criminal investigations, administrative and judicial proceedings.

7.3. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of damage from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data, and whether you can achieve these goals by other means. We also took advantage of the statute of limitations established in the various civil and criminal laws and regulatory rules of government authorities, as an element to be considered for possible retention.

7.4 we guarantee that all data retained and stored after the end of the treatment for the stated purpose will not be used for other purposes, with the minimum necessary and expected security of the information being guaranteed, as well as guaranteeing your right to access the information, in the form dealt with in the personal data protection legislation.

7.5. The end of the personal data processing will occur when it is verified:

(i) that the purpose for which the data were collected has been achieved or that the personal data collected is no longer necessary or relevant to the achievement of the specific intended purpose;

(ii) a statement by the User in this regard, for cases in which Vulcabras has received specific consent for certain processing of personal data; or

(iii) legal determination.

7.6. In these cases of termination of the personal data processing, except in the cases established by applicable law or by this Privacy Policy, the personal data will be deleted.




8.1. We inform you that, for your security, Vulcabras reserves the right to partially or totally modify this Privacy Policy, updating and adapting it. The last date of amendment to the Privacy Policy will always be indicated in the header of this document. Vulcabras will publish any updates on the Website, which is why periodic access is recommended, as applicable.




9.1 If any provision of this Privacy Policy is found to be illegal, void or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions will not be affected, remaining valid and enforceable to the maximum extent possible.

9.2 This Privacy Policy constitutes the entire agreement on the conditions of use of the Website with regard to personal data processing. The User declares to be aware of the rights and obligations arising from this Privacy Policy, having read, understood and accepted all terms and conditions contained therein.

9.3 Quality and excellence is a permanent objective of Vulcabras. Based on this, the content of this Privacy Policy may be updated and modified at any time for adequacy and compliance with the law. If substantial and material changes that require your consent are needed, we will post this update and contact you.